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You think that nude pictures are important? You've got problems with controlling yourself in looking & having the thoughts that you do? I am only responsible for telling you that you may be distressed at the sight of plague mice being immolated.

Between the C19 virus, inability to get labour to pick the crops and now a mice problem you may feel sympathy for the farmers. Not according to the 30 + year old news report (1984) contained on video in this 05.02.2021 report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation:

FrayedBear 9 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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1 comment

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i guess im missing your point, sorry
"You think that nude pictures are important?
You've got problems with controlling yourself in looking & having the thoughts that you do?
I am only responsible for telling you that you may be distressed at the sight of plague mice being immolated."
why do you feel responsible for that

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