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It's too damned cold here to celebrate, but I might just toss some confetti for the ritual.

Rush Limbaugh ... I say, Rush Limbaugh died today. Some say he choked on his presidential medal, but it was really lung cancer that got him. I'm sure he'll be missed by some somewhere, but that won't be here. One sideline agitating fascist down, too many more to go.

evidentialist 8 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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For as much hatred as he expressed, there are reasons. They do not excuse him and his death made our lives better.


Rush Limbaugh, by the power of his broadcasts, influenced millions to be coarser, stupider and meaner. What can we make of people who harm their own society out of nothing more than greed?


He was a coward who overdose himself on his favorite drugs OxyContin and Fentanyl!!!

He was so scare to die of the pain he deserved!!!


In my estimation he was THE Joseph Goebbels of the American conservative movement.
We should all be glad he’s gone, he was like an intestinal blockage for democracy.
He did things like claiming government assistance made people dependent and weak, and he emphasized it specifically by claiming Democrats did it to keep black people down. As if 75% of all government assistance didn’t go to white people, it does. Meanwhile endlessly endorsing deregulation, the kind Texas likes and suffers from now during this harsh winter. Google it, power failures from fossil fuels and nuclear plants caused many more times the outages than renewable sources which only represent 13% of the states power grid capacity. Deregulation’s that make no sense. With regulations the wind turbines would have defrosting systems as they do elsewhere.
Rush was THE source of the vast majority of conservative misinformation on every topic you can imagine.
I’m tickled that he’s dead and wish it had happened in the 70’s before the seeds this MF planted could sprout leading to January 6th. I don’t have enough F bombs for this viscous anti human monster.
If I could I’d resurrect him so I could kill him after doing a ghost of Christmas future on him as I tour guided through all the suffering he was responsible for.


It'd be funny if his own lie killed him. Wouldn't sadden me

twill Level 7 Feb 17, 2021

His lie about there being no danger/health risk in smoking did it. It is likely that all the venom he was constantly carrying around didn't help much.

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