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How is God the good guy and the Devil the bag guy, when it was god who wiped out the would in a flood and promises to come back and wipe us out in the second coming?

JohnGlass 6 Nov 29

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For an agnostic site, there sure are a lot of references to God, Jesus and the Devil. We could also chat about Greek mythology or the Easter bunny, what do you say?


I have had friends tell me in the same breath that God is all loving and then say he is a vindictive God.

You can't have both so choose.


I've been saying for a while that if the Bible were true, Satan would be the good guy. He wanted us to have knowledge, while god wanted us to remain ignorant. He punishes evil, while God rewards belief regardless of how bad a person you might be. God killed millions, Satan killed about 10. And as far as I know, Satan never endorsed slavery, rape, or genocide.


LMAO... God's behavior as described in the bible does make him seem to be pretty neurotic and insecure.


for a lot of religions, this is the testing ground, so dying isn't a punishment, but you have to worry about what you did in life or 'he's' gonna get ya! Or not get ya, depending on your belief system...rapture is a good thing....which is an interesting would think religious groups would celebrate every time a good person (or perceived good within their cultural mores) died...shows how it is hard for all of us to look beyond the existence we are aware of.

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