If money is the root of all evil, why do churches ask for it?
Money is not the problem ... even the Bible recognizes that it's the love of it (i.e., greed) which is at the root of all evils. Money is just an object and can't be held responsible.
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV)
Churches are little more than beggars who've resorted to soul extortion to extract their tithes and offerings.
What you think of as government is an extension of the church and "religious " requirements.
For purposes of mandatory taxation:
Cannot buy or sell with out government issued identification Revelations 13:17
The biblical tax was 10% called a tithe, times have changes so has laws.
First of income tax required biblically 1000s of years ago.
Tithe - one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the Church and clergy.