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Biden's stimulus plan is popular. The GOP should stop trying to kill it.

This week, a new Morning Consult/Politico survey found that 60 percent of Republicans asked were at least somewhat supportive of the $1.9 trillion package.

Overall, 76 percent of the respondents in that poll wanted the signed into law.

And yet, when the package passed out of the House Budget committee on Monday, it was on a party-line vote, with all Republican members voting nay.

The same day that Biden was asking Republicans to listen to their voters, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., sent out a message to his caucus urging a no vote.


LiterateHiker 9 Mar 1

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They just vote what their constituencies want when it aligns with their preconceived notions


Not sure what it would take for the Rep to get some common sense and do what the voters elected them for


Dems want to increase their numbers in Congress. I don’t know what Repubs want.


Re-thugs want to elect Trump in 2024 and retake the Senate and House majority.

Good luck with that!


And I'm not searching the news several times daily to see what's exploded since I checked earlier.

I just noticed that too... I can finally listen to happy music in the car instead of switching back and forth between CNN, MSNBC and NPR. I don't come home and turn-on cable news.... at all. I can go without it because I know things are being handled. I feel SO LIBERATED!


The GOP is just degenerate. They're so afraid of everyone having an equal say, it is a huge challenge to rampant white supremacy in the US.

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