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LINK Kentucky Christians Wrongly Think They Outsmarted Atheists with Bible Shirts | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Earlier this month, a Bible verse was removed from a locker room at Letcher County Central High School in Whitesburg, Kentucky.

It happened after a warning letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which said (correctly) that the sign was illegal because it was obviously a promotion of Christianity.

snytiger6 9 Mar 11

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Outsmart these!!


That’s what Ron Reagan is involved with. What a difference between him and his parents.

His kids took it to heart when Ron Reagan Sr. was a liberal in his early career, as did his first wife. (Nancy was the second wife)


Perhaps these are the same people that feel its a victory when they do things they think "stick it to the libtards". It's like they never left their school playgrounds.

MizJ Level 8 Mar 11, 2021

Stupidly knows no bounds for christians!


Keep up the good work.

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