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LINK Archbishop: Drinking Holy Water is Fine Since “Christ Does Not Spread Germs” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Adding to the ever-growing list of religious figures whose inability to grasp science will put everyone in danger, we have Archbishop Andrzej Dzięga, leader of the Archdiocese of Szczecin-Kamień in Poland.

He wrote in a recent letter that Catholics should not only continue attending services, but also partake in the communion ritual. That’s because “Christ does not spread germs and viruses.”

He attributed the virus scare to Satan, according to a rough translation of his letter:

snytiger6 9 Mar 15

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he also believe that storks bring the babies.


And these stoops really believe all this!!!


This study dealt with fecal matter contamination.


I wish I could be mad at happycanuk for being just gross,,,,,but.....err thanks. I am so grossed out I will yell every still religious RC I know about this one.

Thank you Happycanuck

Thank you William Charles

While I avoid church all the time, there are times I have gone in and the little dip o' the finger and a cross can happen in error.

Now I am frightened to death of the holy water.

At least the water in a NYC Dirty Water Hot Dog Stand is boiled, then near to boil for hours.

eewwwww yechk

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