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Sick of Facebook? Me Too!

Are you as sick of Facebook as I am? That's one reason I'm here on - it's a free, user-supported, advertising-free system.

Dougnostic 5 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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I stay in touch with friends and family. I'm anti-trump but the posts are repetitive. If I share something I always get it back. I have recently added to my 156 friends from people I have bonded with on other sites.


This site is far better than Facebook. I haven't seen a picture of someone's dinner yet. Or their cats.


I check it once a week or so to see what a couple of friends and family are doing but generally I don't care in the least for it.

gearl Level 8 Nov 30, 2017

I read somewhere that the founder of FaceBook, Mark Zuckerberg had a visit from several Saudi government people who asked him to block all sites on FB started up by Muslims who had left the religion. The Sites are generally called "Ex Muslims" and such. Zuckerberg apparent bowed to their demands and now FB blocks such sites as soon as they notice them. They even have the affront to classify them as 'hate speech' sites. Has anyone else here heard of this ?

Yes, I've heard of that sort of censorship on Fascistbook. I find that repugnant. And yet groups with titles such as "Israel Must Die" are perfectly okay with them. Talk about hypocritical..


Facebook is ok, but I've always preferred message board formats such as this one. It allows for a less cluttered environment. Facebook is like being in a room with 20,000 different conversations pertaining to 20,000 different topics going on at the same time.


Thanks for your comments! I also have a personal profile as well as a business profile on FB, but I think I'll be using both profiles less. I will be using Facebook more for marketing in the future, and less for gratuitous socializing.


I have two accounts.

My private account, I’m at very few friends as well. Half my list is family. I’m very strict with my privacy on FB. Because of the intimacy of my circle, I’m very open on me and my life. I use it to keep in touch with the outside world. I don’t get out much.

My public account has 600 ‘friends’. It’s funny, I haven’t sent a friend request on that account. I’ve denied most requests, but I did an experiment and accepted every request for a week. Where I got most of these ‘friends’. I’ve blocked (I don’t unfriend, I block) about 50 of those. I do t use this account much.

I purposefully don’t read comments on fb public stuff. They usually piss me off. Or make me very sad.


I'm also sick of my 67 friends on there, all ignoring me. I make posts basically for myself now. Barely a like or comment. Especially my close friends. I use messenger more.


For me it's nothing but political adds

Yes- I get tired of all the political posts too, Alexia. Btw I'm still new here - do you know why some comments here have a "like" button and others don't? I can't "Like" your comment because it doesn't have a button.

Strange-- after I commented on your comment, now I see that there is a "Like" button on your comment.


Fb sucks indeed


never been a facebook fan, do have a page- mainly if I need or want to check someone/thing out. but spend little time on it. Oh, forgot I have about a dozen pages!! Was playing a game years ago and needed a team!

mzee Level 7 Nov 29, 2017

It's boring and repetitive. The same people killing the same subject day in and day out. I'm all for LGBTQ. I'm bi. But the trans people take it too far with every post about being trans or misgendered. I understand their frustration. But not in every post! I quit reading the feed. It's either trans or political.

I get that is all they think about, but once a day is fine. Just not 5 posts in a row on being called a he and having a temper tantrum. We're adults and accidents happen in life. Or it's about a trans person committing suicide. Suicide is sad, but I swear, they seek out these articles on FB!


Actually no, I'm not. Though I recognize it was designed to be addictive, and make an effort to take vacations from it now and then.

I'm in touch with people from all different parts of my past and present. people that mean something to me, and that I might not be in touch with anymore if it wasn't for FB. And there are ways of scrolling by, or eliminating items one doesn't wish to see. No biggie.

So - like anything else, it can be overdone, or not.

Yeah, you can unfollow the pages you've liked and the people you've friended. I get the impression a lot of folks don't know that.

Yes, I think I need to be more selective, and maybe prune back my Friend list.

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