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Erdogan, the Turkish president, has taken Turkey out of the agreement of nations, which was done in Istanbul in 2011, to help combat violence against women. This came as a Presidential decree, even after a number of high profile cases of femicide and abuse in Turkey. Erdogan is an evil leader for sure
That said, Europe and the U.S. bear some responsibility for not reining him in. One of the main reasons Turkey signed on, actually lead the movement to combat violence against women was to get into the European Union.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Mar 20

Enjoy being online again!

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There are a whole bunch of little tRump's all over the world. Erdogan has been taking his country into theocracy for a long time.

Without a doubt, he has. In my opinion, part of that can sit right on the EU. They lead him and Turkey on as potential members and while Turkey did make more changes, they were denied membership while lesser financial and military countries were accepted. As a member of the EU, Turkey would have had to change a number of laws and been held to being more secular.

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