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LINK Free Speech Is a Left-Wing Value

"On June 16, 1918, Eugene Debs stood up before an audience in Canton, Ohio. Debs, the famed tribune of socialism, had largely been absent from the speaking circuit for the previous year due to poor health. During his convalescence, many of Debs’s comrades in the Socialist Party had been jailed for their opposition to World War I. Speculation abounded about how he might navigate the new repressive atmosphere.

When Debs took the podium in Canton, he denounced the “Junkers of Wall Street,” praised the Bolshevik Revolution, extolled the strength of the Socialist movement, and expressed his devotion to “the cause of labor.” It was his remarks on World War I, however, that drew the most attention. The perennial Socialist Party presidential candidate told the picnicking audience that “[t]he master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles.” Faced with yet another ruling-class war, Debs countered, “If war is right let it be declared by the people. You who have your lives to lose, you certainly above all others have the right to decide the momentous issue of war or peace.”"

WilliamCharles 8 Apr 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Sime right wingers and some left wingers both fall short on free speech. Lately it seems corporations and the rich want free speech but workers and the poor should just listen.

Tejas Level 8 Apr 2, 2021

Bull shit!!!! Free speech is both a human and a democratic value.

Then the political parties can start acting like it.

Calm down, Walt. It never said "exclusively." It was posted as a reminder that the push to silence other voices usually has darker consequences.

@WilliamCharles It is primarily th po;otoca; roght that os trying to restrain free and accurate speech and to flood the publicarena with deliberate misinformation.

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