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LINK Loving the Military Because It’s More Diverse – Bracing Views

"I remember during this year’s Super Bowl festivities that the lead B-2 bomber pilot was a woman. Good for her! But if she pilots a B-2 into a nuclear war, will anyone be pleased that a city gets nuked by a woman rather than a man?

The only “diversity” the Pentagon seemingly rejects is anyone who wants to pursue a new, more peaceful, course, in which the military is not the primary tool of U.S. foreign policy. How about some “diverse” people who will put an end to the war in Afghanistan? Who will argue for less spending on wars and weapons?"

WilliamCharles 8 Apr 3

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I am less than overwhelmed with diversity in the military. How is it progress for the military to allow gay, trans people and racial minorities to serve when the overreaching goals and accomplishments of the American military these days is to oppress and kill colored people overseas with drones or more conventional slaughter on the ground of foreigners? I would rather see progress here at home with more inclusion of the above minority groups in government decision-making and access to decent jobs and healthcare.

It's the same as electing a woman or a black man as prez. Whoop- tee-freakin'-doo.. How does it make any difference or change anything if the person elected supports the same policies and power arrangements as a white man? That sort of ID politics bullshit is what I really hated about Obama and what few people seemed to catch onto.

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