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I'm assuming at this point it is obvious Christianity is just a Political Instrument used to control the masses. All the cherry picking and compromising "Christian" values, you would think there would be a movement in pointing this out.

DragonFZ 5 Nov 30

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I was hoping Trump would reveal all that is wrong with Christianity and Conservatives. Boy was I wrong. Instead of questioning their ways, they are just embracing it.


Politics and religion are two sides of the same coin- especially in the USA. Christian Europeans did not "discover" the Americas, they invaded and conquered the Americas committing the worst genocide in history. In his book, American Holocaust, Prof.. David Stannard estimates a total of 100 million indigenous people (in north, central, and south America) were anniliated by these European Christians. Hitler's Holocaust in the 20th century pales in comparison.


What we need is a figurative societal bowel movement by which the shit that is Christianity finally gets forever flushed into the annals of history never to constipate human progress again.

Know of any good "figurative societal" laxative?

LOL... Human Progress... yep... The Christians destroyed the Library of Alexandria and aiming to destroy science with their Creation "science" (where all questions are answered and ended with "Because God Willed it" ).

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