They pushed it through a legal loophole that allows it if it is a part of a larger (historical) display ala a supreme court ruling. Supposedly if it is a part of a larger display, it isn't a religious endorsement... even though everybody knows it actually is.
Fucking Bible belt politics
As absurd as this action is, N. Dakota is FAR from the Bible belt.
@Alienbeing The mentality, or lack of it, is the same.
@barjoe Nah, the bible Belt has many other odd practices that are limited to the Belt. First among them is a remaining Rebel mind set.
@Alienbeing Bob was talking about mindset and The Bible.
The old man getting "no respect" and pulling out his dick to wave around.
I’m not surprised. Again, more signs of desperation from faithquacks. Just don’t attempt to tell me I have to say it. You know where that will get you.