Do you think with the vaccine being found, will things get back to normal to any degree in the next few months. I think we will come closer to it, but it will linger for rest of the year or longer. I'm sure everyone has plans they made last year, that were put on hold and like follow through with them this year. I have made plans to take a small trip to meet my favorite wrestler Dana Brooke that pulled out from under me 5 times. I like very much not make an 6th time they pulled out from under me.
Plus, I would like less work rules that do with pamdemic to go away. It really sucks wiping the same surfaces down hourly, taking a daily medical screening, and enforcing the mask mandate.(work at a gas station) I have had my first shot and 2nd one is scheduled for April 28th.
Last I heard only about 25% of people in the U.S. have received the vaccine and even fewer in most other countries. I think things are starting to return to normal in the U.S. (though I think we're rushing it) and will continue to do so steadily throughout the year, but it probably won't be until very late 2021 until things seem back to normal.
It depends entirely on how well the vaccines work against the new variants. I can't believe the media haven't reported on this. We need to get a better handle on whether people can get it twice (as was initially reported about the crew of the aircraft carrier).
Right now the surge in cases appears to be cresting and maybe leveling out. It is still a high rate and the anti-vax sentiment suggests the current rate could remain near this level for as long as the 40% remain un-vaccinated.
If the vaccine is effective against the new variants, a lot could open up for those that are protected.
Surface transmission has supposedly been shown to be rare. Perhaps the wiping down of surfaces can be reduced if you send information to the right policy-makers.