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Does everyone believe they're good?

It is the cliche where we see a group of corporate greedheads or politicians or a James Bond villain and his cronies raising a glass "Gentlemen, to evil!" Is it ever really like that?

For most of my life I have believed that everyone at least believes that they are on the side of good. Obviously many of them are gravely mistaken, either about what constitutes good in a particular situation or deluded by incorrect information or distracted by greed. But nonetheless, by their own definition they are on the right side of things.

Lately I have come to question that belief. Perhaps there are people in this world who truly knowingly set out to do wrong, who see themselves as evil and are perfectly OK with that. Not tortured by it, but revel in it.

I really hope I am wrong, but if I am not, what leads a person psychologically to that place. It seems very hard to empathize with someone who does not at least believe they are good or believe they want to do good.

I am well aware that I frequently fail to rise to my own standard of moral behavior, but I realize it and chastise myself for it. Some it seems reward themselves for it.

Not exactly a question, but something I need to explore a bit.

SKDeitch 7 Nov 30

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I find this question very interesting and have thought about it a lot. With some politicians the question was: are they just stupid or deceitful and bad, as in evil-ish? I now think there are groups of people who know full well, what they do is wrong. Wrong by most standards one could think of, including the long term health of the planet. Including effect on other people. Including what the majority would think if they knew exactly what these are up to. While some here made very good points about the jing jang character of every normal person's good/bad stuff, as just part of being human, I think there are such things as crimes against humanity, or better still crimes against life. Not talking about normal criminals here, who often have their own code of ethics, or have screwed up, or something. Talking about what is called the kabal, or the military industrial complex with the string pullers. These know full well they are not doing good by any standard. Other than their own power.


I consider myself both good and bad. I'm good at times and I'm bad at times, or as I like to put it, I'm a nice asshole.

Yin and yang, it's about embracing both sides of yourself to maintain balance and learning the right situations to display your good or your bad. If you are nice to everyone no matter what, then you will be walked all over and stabbed in the back. If you are mean to everyone no matter what, then people will hate you and will literally stab you in the back, or at least want to.

For a happy and well balanced life it is important to embrace yourself for all that you are. Everyone has a mean side, even those who bury it deep down. However, those people are very stressed in their life due to not expressing their displeasure when needed, because they are too afraid to come off as rude or mean.


I can only speak for myself. I think I am a good man. Flawed but Good Inside.


I'm good most of the time, but I think we are all capable of being assholes. We are still just dumb primates.


No and yes, baring psychopaths and the like, people feel guilt. You would only put yourself through negative emotions if you had a good reason right? Well different people have differing opinions on what is a good reason. Along side this, people have differing opinions on what good and evil are, vegans for example can think killing animals is as bad as killing a human, but someone who eats meat, enjoys eating meat and sees animals as something lower than what the vegan does, can't empathize, they can revel in this "evil" without guilt because they have differing morals.

Now people who revel in being something they think is bad themselves, simply have little to no empathy (along the lines of psychopathy). They have no reason to feel guilt, so they can shamelessly enjoy doing bad things.


I’m no fucking good and never have been. - Al Pacino - Scent of a Woman


I personally believe everybody has evil thoughts in their head from time to time...the difference is only the ones that act on them are truly evil...


Sociopathic people..narcissistic personality disorder..people that don't think about others feelings or emotions...are people that can't feel on many they get enjoyment out of others pain and can't grow a's a fact..


I would say most of us think we are the hero of Our Own Story,


I'm a borderline sociopath, but I am not evil. I am not good either. I think "good" and "evil" are not very good measures for people. We're a bit more complex.

True, but it doesn't make it existent either. Evil implies that their is something 'otherworldly', but what we might call evil is probably better called 'nature'. Nature is hard mistress. She does not play nice. And we are children of nature. No matter how evil an act may seem, it is a natural act. We do nothing outside of nature. We may have broadened nature's horizons, but we haven't yet escaped nature's boundaries.


Some people do embody in the idea of being evil.
However as we dwell deeper into free-thinking not bound by religious laws and false beliefs we can understand evil is a subjective concept and people are just selfishly following their ideals with no thought of consequences or goal. There is a purpose to helping others and doing the “right” thing. One mind can not overcome chains of life like 50 minds can.


I think it’s better to think in terms of healthy and unhealthy. Our world is mostly unhealthy so it’s very difficult for people to lead healthy lives even though they’d like to. In many cases it’s hard to even determine what healthy is. But most don’t kill, or steal, and would offer a hand to someone who has fallen. Fear, feeling harried, having a bad day, or just being unaware can cause attitude contrary to our better nature. Perception of our intent is often harsher than our actual intent.

Oh, I think that I’m healthy although no longer trying to impress anyone.


I don't real buy into the good and evil concept; rather I see it as the degree of empathy and the capacity of altruism one has toward other human and the world in general.


I think I am a good person, with good intent - mostly.

That said, I also think we all have that bad/mean/evil side. Some are better than others at keeping it all in check, and balanced. Sometimes, a certain situation or person will trigger our other side and it will be loosed on the world for a while.

And for some, their perspectives of life in general are so skewed, they perceive their own "badness" as something useful to be nurtured along and acted upon !


it's all to do with perspective


My first "boyfriend" was brought up catholic. Of course he was gay, I mean he dated me and i am a guy too. Anyway, i was shocked when he told me he thought everyone was evil at heart and there ws no such thing as a good hearted person. So, his religious background really fucked up his view of life and people in general. Anyway, he just treated me worse and worse until i finally lefft him. In his mind his world view was confirmed, but in my mind, his actions determined how those aroudn him behaved.

So, is a person who does nto believe4 people are good, evil themselves? At the tiem I'd have said he was more evil in nature than good. In retrospect, when I got past the heartache, I think it was his upbringing in religion which made him so hard hearted and messed him up. He was not really a sociopath, although he may have acted like one.

I think most persons whose behavior can be cate4gorized as "evil" were taught to think that way, via emotional and/or physical abuse. There are exceptions, the sociopaths and psychopaths of the world, who simply do not feel empathy, however, even most of those live functional lives in society.


The concept of good and evil is rooted in superstition. I try to judge things (myself included) as wise or foolish.
I think some have no regard for others and feel justified at seeking their own advantage at the expense of others. I don't know how they got that way but I am certain that they will not achieve what they really seek in that manner. What we are all seeking is something called happiness. Greed won't get it. Wisdom will.


I believe that there are people who are willfully vicious, destructive and evil and who actually relish that image. I also know that there are sociopaths and psychopaths who don't give a damn about what is good or evil, but are totally self-absorbed. Donald Trump is one.


I think I'm good most of the time, I know I'm not perfect and I don't set out to purposely do anyone harm.

Unfortunately, I have some of the same fears as you do.

I sincerely wonder if some of the powers that be are intentionally evil simply because they can be.
I believe some of them are truly mentally unstable and could use treatment because they are sociopaths if not full-blown psychopaths.

They should also be removed from their positions immediately.

@SKDeitch It could be caused by a physical brain disorder such as a tumor or an injury.
I would have to say it is abnormal, or at least not the default.


Nothing to back this up, strictly anecdotal, but for what it's worth... I think most people without pathology or psychosis or sociopathy think that they are either (1) good, (2) trying to be as good as possible under the circumstances, or (3) justified in whatever bad stuff they do which they believe will lead to a greater good. People who know they are bad get born again.

I agree with all you said but the last sentence which I don't understand.

@TommyMeador "True Christians" -- The born again ones -- are really into the idea that all humans are miserable, horrible, terrible sinners. They get born again to be redeemed and saved.

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