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Fox News host Tucker Carlson told his viewers they should openly harass anyone they see wearing masks outside and go so far as to call the police or social services on the parents of any children with masks on.


So now if we spot anyone with a MAGA hat on, we can call the police to tell them that a person with a MAGA hat has a gun and is threating to shoot people.

racocn8 9 Apr 28

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Sounds like equality to me.
Isn’t that what democrats want? Equality?


I live in a condo complex where many of the condo owners and renters are conservative and I can hear the Fox news blaring as I walk by their open windows, while wearing my mask.

They chide me for wearing a mask. One staff member walks around saying she doesn't need to wear a mask, because she's been vaccinated (less than 14 days ago) and tells visitors just arriving to the island they don't need to either. A few months ago, these folks were all about the mask, so they've gotten their change of heart from somewhere.

After months of near zero daily cases, our island just began welcoming travelers without quarantine 3 weeks ago. Now, in the past 14 days, our daily case count has risen 3,200% and we hear news of cluster surges and the death of the youngster mentioned in the article. Yes, it's important to continue being careful when coming into close contact. There is a move toward easing our careful habits - and I'm saying no not yet!


He is becoming a mavevolent ass.

(Is that malevolent? I couldn't find the definition.)


Some people wore masks before the pandemic, people in America are free to wear masks, those who say otherwise are un-American.

Carlson is simply trying to create fanatics over frivolous nonsense. Look how many people would respect: NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE, yet he exaggerates MASKS out of proportion. He is creating fanatics.

"The fanatic is perpetually incomplete and insecure. He cannot generate self-assurance out of his individual resources - out of his rejected self - but finds it only by clinging passionately to whatever support he happens to embrace. This passionate attachment is the essence of his blind devotion and religiosity, and he sees in it the source of all virtue and strength - He easily sees himself as the supporter and defender of the holy cause to which he clings. And he is ready to sacrifice his life." - Eric Hoffer


Claiming they're threatening people is going too far but one could report them for whatever a mask complaint is a violation of. Yes. If a child has any kind of gQp clothing on then the parent, who ostensibly bought them the clothing, can be reported to Social Services. Yes. Again, I will take my mask off and go into a coughing fit on the punks.

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