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LINK 'You lose people very quickly': Talking to friends or family who are down the anti-vaccine rabbit hole

It isn't just rabid Americans who are anti vaxxers...

After the border closures and lockdowns last year, Suzanne was looking forward to finally going north to see her daughter and grandchildren in Queensland.

But a few days ago, a message from her daughter put her plans on hold.

Suzanne, who's in her 70s, plans to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible, but her daughter says she won't see her mother if she's been vaccinated.

"We were told if we'd had the vaccine, we shouldn't come up," Suzanne, who lives in NSW, told the ABC.

Suzanne's daughter, who practices "healing therapy" in a small town north of Brisbane, repeated a debunked conspiracy theory that the COVID-19 vaccine spreads the disease itself.

She'd read this on the website of a global organisation known for spreading anti-vaccine misinformation.

HippieChick58 9 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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xpresident asshole and this flunkies strike again.


I've got this in my family...I get it.


I understand many people want to think they are smarter than others and therefore they choose a fringe explanation on issues. I do not understand the people that initiate this craziness. Are they just mean-spirited or schizophrenic?


People are so fucking stupid.

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