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Acosta: This was USDA Grade A bullshit and the reporter who wrote the story resigned... but the damage was done, pumped out over the airwaves at the bullshit factory also known as Fox News


AmmaRE007 7 May 1

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CNN fake news FOX fake news Rachel MaddCOW fake news all profit media fake news denying free healthcare profits by deaths


Classic propaganda technique.
If you tell an outrageous lie often enough people will believe it, because "Everyone knows it is true."
A variation of The bandwagon fallacy.

If you tell a lie often enough even you will believe it.

@JackPedigo Doubtful, the piper does not follow the sound of his own music in to the river


Unbelievable bullshit


That's the way that side works. And they get away with it every time. Sucks.

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