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I know it's the age of Me Too and all, and I'm sympathetic, but I have to wonder how many desirable persons would prefer not to be.

AlanCliffe 6 May 7

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Interestingly, most women will tell you that looks aren't always a factor when it comes to misogyny and predation. While attractive woman might be targeted a little more often because they stand out, women are often targeted because of how vulnerable they look more than how pretty they are. Years ago I had a best friend who was probably the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen who wasn't a model or movie star. But she was also 5'8" and a body builder. You could see her biceps through her long sleeves. Men didn't hassle her.

Deb57 Level 8 May 12, 2021

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying that there are attractive people who would prefer NOT to be attractive?

I've never met an attractive person who would relinquish his/her attractiveness. However, they do seem to complain about all the attention they get. To me, it seems like a wealthy person complaining about the difficulty of balancing their checkbook.

I posed a rhetorical question, that is, I doubt very much that anyone who's attractive would rather not be.


Sounds like you are blaming victims. Wrong.

Since age 15 when I developed breasts, I have been repeatedly grabbed, assaulted, kissed against my will, stalked, catcalled and nearly raped by men.

Whose fault is that? MEN'S.

I dress modestly, never go to bars, never hike alone, and never run after dark.

"You look like a victim," a man said on a first date in 2019. "I don't feel like a victim!" I shot back. "I walk fast with good posture, scanning around, and never look in my purse or at my phone outdoors."

"Because you are thin, you look easy to grab," he replied. His cruel words chilled me to my core.

There is no victim blaming in my post, nor does your reply address my question, but "sounds like" is a nice vague catch-all. So your troubles are men's fault? Do you mean the men who give you trouble, or all men? I wonder whether it would be permissible to say it "sounds like" the latter.

It's easy to blame MEN. Honestly, I feel the crushing weight of all that guilt, but I'm powerless to do anything about them.


I'm not blaming ALL men.

No women ever forced herself on me.


I've never really had women hitting on me, so, at my old age, I wish I were more desireable to women.

I hear you.

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