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LINK German Priests Plan to Defy the Catholic Church and Bless Same-Sex Unions | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

According to the book "Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality" by John Boswell and published by the University of Chicago Press, the Catholic church used to have sane sex ceremonies up until the 13th century, when the writings of St. Augustine influenced the future direction of Catholic churh policies.

snytiger6 9 May 11

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The Catholic church is slowly destroying itself. 🤭 Which is a good thing especially with christmas coming and all. 😋


Great! The more they step away from the official church position on anything, the better.


Meanwhile, in the United States, catholic priests are defying their own pope by defending being assholes to people with other sexual preferences and not showing love, but hatred.

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