It never appeared difficult for me to see fake news is fake.
I have no problems identifying fake news. If you know nothing of the source and it sprang up recently I would not trust it. Is all mainstream news fake? I watch news from all over the world just to make sure I have the story right. Most countries have news in English as well as their own language.
I think that also but then once in a while I get caught up in something I agree with and is believable. And then figure out its fake. Once in a while even after I share it I figure out nuances and twists that aren't as they were presented. Once I shared something on here and many very smart secular people loved it and no one questioned. I figured out after it was false.
It reminds me that none of us are immune.
It never appeared difficult to you. Good. That probably shows that you have reached the stage of maturity in life, where you no longer confuse, "I want." with, its true.
Which used to be a stage most people reached at about seven or eight years old, but it seems that the commercial/religious culture of today has managed, to find ways to keep people below that stage of development, though their whole lives. And with it of course comes the negative, "I don't want to make the effort. No thinking please, its difficult. Just tell me I will get my ice-cream for clapping my hands when I am told to."
When I watch Fox News I feel like someone is pissing on me and telling me it's raining.