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I.Q. testing

I have been reading a lot of posts that involve I.Q. tests in one way or another. I am just curious, if one wanted to find out what their I.Q. was, how would one go about it? I see several "I.Q." tests on facebook but I don't really know how much stock I put into a facebook test. is there a more reputable one? keep in mind, I am only curious, I don't care enough about it to waste money figuring it out, so if its something I have to pay for, say so please so I don't waste my time.

Byrd 7 Apr 17

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If you're smart enough to have figured out the whole god scam then you passed the test, save your time and money, move on. It's an ego thing. I'd rather know what my blood pressure and cholesterol are.

again, I am interested in this topic for the purpose of learning about how humans have viewed things like intelligence and the ways in which one would think they could measure such a thing. I have not, in any way, claimed to find any validity to any such methods, in no way did I say anything that would lead you to the assumption that I am interested based on ego. I am purely interested in the way humans perceive such things, and how it has evolved over time. the same way I am interested in learning about different religions, while not finding any of them credible, or enjoying a fantasy novel, but not believing in unicorns. I apologize if I wasn't clear about that in my original post.


I don't know. I was tested in 3rd grade to discover my aptitude , moved to an institute of higher learning, was tested again in 7th or 8th grade, was strongly encouraged ot go into the linguistic branch, not the science &mathematic branch that I loved at that age. So, I studied engineering here in the US; wrote poetry and translated German text into English. What is my I.Q. No idea. But my restless mind and need for learning new things made all the difference.


Fakebook I.Q. tests only exist to mine your information so they can sell to others. They aren't accurate in the least. Legitimate I.Q. evaluations have a wide array of types of tests, not simply a few boxes to check. I did an I.Q. -assessment- a couple years ago with a PhD psychologist to drill down a little closer on my bipolar diagnosis, because my first diagnosis and the way my actual mood disorder manifested itself with me wasn't lining up. It was expensive, and cost me about $1k out of pocket. It gave me little additional clarification on my issue. It did however shine a light on how vague and all-encompassing some of these catch-all diagnoses are as written up by the psychiatrists...most likely to serve the insurance industry.

I'll tell you though it was a hell of a lot more than a few multiple choice questions! There was drawing from recollection of images shown to me before. There were verbal and sound recollection tests too. Any multiple choice questions had 4-6 possible answers that were so close in description it was hard to differenciate. And these tests were timed. At the end of the two full day evaluation, I wanted an I.Q. number...but I guess its in fashion now to not give a hard number. They want you to focus on how you did on each area. They kept dodging me on the subject and never did give me a solid number, just whether I was above average in these areas. When I got a hard copy of this assessment, the number wasn't in there either


In my experience you can do a taster, for free, to give you an idea then you pay to find out for real 🙂


I don't trust FB tests either, you see all these "only a genious can figure this out" and really they would have to have an IQ of a gourd not to figure out those problems. Maybe try MENSA?


Intelligence is a very loose psychological term. The idea of IQ as a valid measure is falling out of favour. All a high IQ score is grade ones ability to do IQ tests.

i am not suggesting that they are valid. i am simply interested in how humans have equated intelligence over the years.things like back when they thought that the only real indicator of intelligence was how big your brain was, and how now we know its not really that simple.


I did one as part of a job interview. Didn't get the job but later got a better job in the sametrade, i.e. IT. Does that mean the test failed to identify my suitability.


If they were offered a "sexiness" test, most people would realise how ridiculous that would be.
Measuring IQ is not so different - in the absence even of any agreed definition of intelligence a few parameters are measured (spatio-temporal, mathematical, verbal etc) and bundled together as some kind of spurious quotient.
Some people are sexier than others, some people are more intelligent, but the idea of 'measuring' those things is laughable.

it may be laughable to you, but to me i find the whole theory interesting. since i was small, i was always curious about how people judged such things, and enjoyed learning about the different methods used over the years, that in a lot of cases, they found out later where inaccurate. just because it may not be valid doesnt mean it can't still be interesting tho.

@Byrd I don't think any of the criticisms here of 'IQ testing' are directed at you personally.

@Gareth I'm not implying that they are. I am trying to clear up that while I make no claim that any of it is valid, I am still interested in the idea of measuring intelligence. that is all. but I do appreciate your concern


There are people who know how to pass a multiple choice test without knowing any thing about the subject. Passing an IQ test using their methods you could be a genius. Colleges advance degrees use oral tests to pass or fail. So an oral IQ test would be best.

@Bobby9 I don't know, I didn't think it was possible


Facebook's definition of 'genius' sets the bar very low. Spotting a 5 on a page full of 4's. B31ng 4b13 t0 r34d 5tuff l1k3 th1s. I once deliberately got every answer wrong on a Facebook IQ test, and still scored 100. I got 160 for answering everything right. I was low 140's last time I was properly tested as a kid (I think I've killed off a fair chunk of the grey matter with alcohol since then, though.)

Don't forget that Facebook tests and quizes want you to score highly so that you'll share your results and encourage your friends to take the test too. If they make you look a bit dim, you're not going to share, their page doesn't go viral, and they don't make so much revenue from their ad impressions.

Mensa is the only reliable source I can think of.

yeah the only time i take a facebook quiz is when im looking to laugh


I don't put any stock in any IQ tests. 😀


It is so wrong to used IQ tests and Myers Brigg tests!

You will almost never get the same results!

They are more related to Voodoo science than they are real science!

Scientists debunk the IQ myth: Notion of measuring one's intelligence quotient by singular, standardized test is highly misleading!

Myers-Briggs test isn't recognised as being scientifically valid so is largely ignored by the field of psychology.

thats sort of why im interested in it. i have always been interested in things like how one would accurately measure intelligence. i know that in the past they have tried many methods that they thought gave them the answers, but later found other methods that suggested completely different things. im not yet well educated enough on the subject to say if i think its valid or not, but i still find it all very interesting.

Have you checked with your local Community College about testing?
My IQ came in way above average. I thought that I could have done better if I had prepared for it. Find out what will be expected of you, then go home and think about it and do some research. Whatever happens, that test will stay with you for the rest of your life because it is a measurement and we do compare ourselves to others. Thanks for providing me with the opportunity to brag about my IQ, 🙂

@MrTallman Well! If you are retested at seventy years old versus 16 years old will you be more or less intelligent?
Try taking a similar test in other English speaking countries as well as other places in this country!
If it is not the same test then you have a good chance to come off lower or higher it is all subjective!
Intelligence can not be measured as a single quotation!
If that were so every one who had a so called high IQ would be rich and famous!
Without common sense and people skills IQ testing is just a fart in the wind!

@of-the-mountain I don't know the answer to your question. Do you?

The use of IQ tests in a range of settings, and the continued disagreement over their validity and even morality, highlights not only the immense value society places on intelligence — but also our desire to understand and measure it.

I will not debate you on this matter. Already, you've muddied the waters by mentioning the Myers-Briggs test in your comment to Byrd. Her question was about IQ testing.


What do you think, Ae you intellegent. Question answered !

lol i know how i would rate myself. i am just curious about the actual details. also i am interested in the idea of calculating intelligence in general, i remember as a kid, telling people that my crows and ravens were smart. i also remember for years people laughing and thinking the idea of a smart bird was silly. now science is getting deeper into the subject and the more i hear the more i want to know. im not sure yet how much stock i put into such tests, but i still find them interesting.

@Byrd Birds and aninals don't kill themselved with drugs and alcohol. They myst be more intellegent than us ?

@VAL3941 on occasion, some do. while the majority use drugs and fermented things in moderation, there have been instances where they either die directly or indirectly from this consumption. squirrels and deer have been seen eating fermented fruits that essentially got them so drunk, that they either died from toxicity levels directly, or they seemed not to care when a predator approached. but on average, it seems that critters are better at moderation than us

@Byrd reminds me of the Elephants and Baboons wwith the Marula fruit here in Africa !

@VAL3941 i saw a commercial for some program about those elephants but i missed it! just another subject i find fascinating...

@Byrd I find most things in liife fasinating, if sometimes disconcerting.

@VAL3941 Saw a video the other day , about a specific kind of African tree that , when it comes into furition , the animals gorge on the fruits . Eventually the fruits aren't so fresh . As the continue to decompose , the animals continue to binge on them and get very , very drunk .

@Cast1es Thats the Marula tree and the fruit is very tasty to them !


Check this out, if you like.

thank you super much!

@Byrd You're most welcome. 🙂


I think Mensa tests for nothing. I don't recall paying a fee

thank you super much!

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