I find I am already less interested in the news and am becoming complacent about the future. Somehow, the Repugs keep their base riled up all the time. They are working the abortion ticket right now and will soon come up with several more emotional issues to keep their base riled up. Even when they are in power, they feed their base with lies and fresh meat constantly.
We desperately need to keep our base and voters riled up or we will lose Congress in 2022.
What issues will bring in new voters and keep our base energized?We have the power of social media, and our foot soldiers need to learn to use it.
Politicians and mainstream media is the greatest waste time and creating a great depression .
Best to take care of yourself, family and friends. First and foremost.
Unfortunately, way too often anymore politicians make laws that interfere with our ability to take care of my family and friends.
Can only speak for myself, I've been preparing for this the last ten years. Even though I am living the dream of a self government, eco self sustainable, free trade and loving community. The world is falling all around our community and it make me so sad.
Tried many times to give out the source of the problem and the solutions we have use. It's mainly on deaf ears for now. They will need to hit a greater rock bottom of abuse. Before the pendulum swings the other extreme way. Than my reinvention of myself will be fashionable again. In order to give it all away again. .