Yes, genius level is 160 + which kind of makes me doubt the accuracy of the rest of the story
Considering that the only reliable IQ tests, the Weschler and the Stanford Binet, only measure to a maximum of 148, (3sd's above the mean), I don't understand where these measurements come from.
@Cyklone oh, it’s a different IQ test from the one I studied. I see
Probably looking at the Woodcock Johnson then as it can be used after 2 years of age
@girlwithsmiles, the minimum accepted score for MENSA on the Stanford–Binet is 132, while for the Cattell it is 148
@mcgeo52 yes, perhaps, but you’ve never had to be a genius to join mensa. It used to be 140 in the UK in the 1990’s.
@SeaGreenEyez Sorry, I didn’t put that very well. 140 was the mensa membership acceptance IQ, but I’m not sure on which test. Now mensa take the top 2 percentile in the UK, so it seems to have become more exclusive.
But you can improve your scores by practicing IQ tests.
160 used to be considered genius level:
@SeaGreenEyez, I have been invited a number of times to join Mensa. Based on the personalities of the people inviting me, I have never seen an adequate reason to join.
@girlwithsmiles, Mensa has always been open to the top two percent.
@mcgeo52 perhaps, but I think the used to be open to more than that in the ‘90s my friend’s dad said you needed an IQ of 140 - not sure which test. He also said you can improve slightly by practice. Looking at the tests on my link above, 140 wasn’t the top 2%.
But with so many different tests it’s kind of confusing lols.
@girlwithsmiles, Mensa has always been "open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test."
@mcgeo52 are you saying it’s only ever been open to those people? That’s the qualification I’m trying to make, I think in the UK it used to be open to more than the 98th and above.
@girlwithsmiles, Mensa’s original charter, which has not changed, states that it is open to anyone who scores at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardized IQ test.
@mcgeo52 thanks.