3-4 weeks of my having diarrhea, will soon be over in 2 days. Yay! I went to the Urgent Care and saw someone. The doctor thinks it is an intestinal infection instead of a viral infection. She said with the antibiotics I will respond quickly to the medication. Also for me to go back to the Ranitidine. I see my regular doctor on May 7th as a follow-up appointment. Yay! I'll go to the gym today.
I never made it to the gym. Thanks to my boss needing me to come in right at 11 am. I'm 1 hr under my maximum amount of hours I can make this month. I never get a vacation when I'm told I don't have to come in. I have been too sick on all of my days off this month due to the infection to workout. Today I was almost out the door to enjoy a 2 hr workout! We have night crew that are able to work in the day and they don't have an hour limit. It will be an absolute NO tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday, if I get a message. I'm paying $30 not to go to the gym. I have 2 appts tomorrow. I CAN'T go in, they can call other crew members. Not always just me. It's my fault for living 10 minutes away from the store in walking distance. I don't drive and I didn't want to rely on the bus system to get me to work.