He thinks asking god will magically change the weather patterns.
Maybe a good old mass rain dance could do the job? Or all the good Christian families sacrificing their first born? Or maybe a few virgins drained of their blood? These are only a few steps back from what he is trying.
They tried something similar in Texas when they had a long drought about ten or so years ago. It didn't work.
Yea…….too much jerking off grows hair on your palms too!!
Consuming too much alcohol grows breast on men!!
Marijuana turns its users into raging psychopaths!!
What’s next? They saw pigs and monkeys fly?
Rainmaking, Oh for fuck sake, how much privative magical thinking are these savages willing to descend in to?
What next burning heretic and virgins in Temple Square SLC to appease the vengeful displeased Yahweh?
MInd you you would be hard pressed to find an "Actual" adult virgin in Utah, who had not found a work around to keep his or her temple recommend.