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Is being a Trump supporter a deal breaker for you?

OK Cupid dating site reported 74% of women members say being a Trump supporter is a deal breaker.

On a dating site, a man messaged me:

Hello. So, given the current political climate; I thought it might be a good idea to touch base on this before I called. I'm a little right of center and voted for Trump. I see so many profiles that denounce this and wanted to be up front. I rarely voice my opinions and respect what your beliefs. It's kind of like religion to me. I lean toward atheism myself.
I hope it's not a deal breaker, but I understand if it is. Well, I guess I'll know soon enough.
For the record; I think you are adorable and super cute! Cheers

"Your voting for Trump is a deal breaker for me," I replied. Sent him these photos. His reply:

Yes, sorry to hear that. Glad I checked. Wow.. What are you going to do when he's back in office in a few months?

I replied:

"A vote for Trump is an affirmation of racism, sexism, and bigotry. Even if you personally swear up and down you are not racist, sexist or bigoted, you can’t support putting someone that hateful in national office. Trump lost the 2020 election in the most secure presidential election in history. Idiots who believe Trump will be back in office in August are delusional."

Then I added to my profile: Lifelong Democrat. Trumpers, get lost!

brushes off hands

LiterateHiker 9 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd rather be celibate for the rest of my miserable life than date a Trumper.


I tend to scare people away, so it's philosophical, but I agree.


"Is being a Trump supporter a deal breaker for you?" Yes, and under all circumstances.


Definitely a deal breaker for me. I look for religion and political leanings first and foremost.


The β€œback in office in a few months” is a lot scarier than simply having voted for Trump (which is already deep into red flag territory).

skado Level 9 June 18, 2021



Saying that, he is obviously a Qanon believer also.

I would never date a Trump supporter and I have lost friends over Trump and his ideas.


Me, too.

@DenoPenno I have lost friends as well


I know a couple of Trumpers. I don't have much to do with them, luckily. Their loyalty is utterly baffling.


I would not date a Trump supporter. I'm now sceptical of associates that support him.

Unity Level 8 June 18, 2021

I'm a Never Trumper. If a person is in any way a Trump supporter I will have limited contact with them. I don't want them in my life, I don't want them nearby. Currently I'm working remotely, but I don't talk politics at the office, and I don't really make friends at work. I cannot control who I associate with in my work life, but in my private life I have firm boundaries. I'm also not a social butterfly so that works for me too. I live in Nebraska, a very conservative state. I'm likely to be celibate for the rest of my life because the men close to my age seems to be married and/or Republicans; or I've met them and we're good as friendly acquaintances.


Yes, it is an absolute, no-compromise deal breaker. Your reply was well-stated. Normally, I wouldn't invest the time in one but this guy was at least polite.


Even in Aussie, if I hear someone speaking in favour of that thing, my estimation of their IQ and understanding takes a nose dive. Dealbreaker.


Absolutely never tolerate that , never

bobwjr Level 10 June 19, 2021

Total deal breaker. If you support that kind of sexism, then I can only conclude you think I have less value than a man. Same for all the other forms of bigotry exhibited by Treason Weasel. Go kick rocks.



I like the pics and you told him very well. "What are you going to do when Trump is back in office in a few months?" This man obviously has never studied government. There is no Reinstatement Committee, Act, or Constitutional Clause. If Biden is gone for some reason Harris is the President. If both Biden and Harris are gone Pelosi is the President. That's just how it works, but your would be suitor doesn't want to hear this. Maybe he heard Trump's former physician, Ronny Jackson, call for Biden to take a cognitive test after Jackson claimed that Trump passed one.

What is all of that really about if it has no chance of getting Trumpy back? It's about money. Trump needs money badly and by mid term he has major loans to pay back. Many gullibles like your would be suitor are anxious to pay Trump money hoping it somehow leads to reinstatement. This is a game Trump will play time and again until his followers finally figure it out. At his rallies he convinced everyone that he liked and hated the very same things that they do. Don the Con goes on and they do not get it.


You're just some kind of leftist radical aren't you. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ Social justice and stuff like that what the hell are you thinking. πŸ˜†


It most certainly is.




Agree wholeheartedly with you....


YES, I briefly dated a Trumper before he was elected. I couldn't handle it. Total deal breaker.


My bar is far higher than your question.
In fact I’m not sure someone willing to date me is good enough to associate with TBH.


What does TBH stand for?

@LiterateHiker To Be Honest.

The better hitchhiker? The best hamburger?

As in... I wouldn't want to be in any club that would have me as a member?


If I met a woman and found out she voted for tRuMp, that tells me something about her thought process. Not a critical thinker or someone who makes up her mind by listening and learning. in other words, a closed mind so what would we have to even talk about. Definitely not quantum physics.

Yeah sure, only a critical thinker would vote for a man that cannot make a speech without making a fool of himself , needs constant instructions from his handlers and is incoherent most of the time ,ha,ha,ha,ha


Definitely a deal breaker for me. My disclaimer states: "If you are a fan of the previous administration, please do not contact me. Our values will not coincide"


Yes, it would be a deal breaker for me. Good to get it out in the open up front. I had a relationship with someone who pretended to be liberal during our courtship, but then after we broke up, his right wing comments came out.

I have a super strong republican childhood friend coming to visit my island later this summer. I am hoping he doesn't have romantic designs on me, because his very vocal negative political views turn me off, even though he seems to be respectful in many other ways. I can tell by his facebook posts that I may have to bite my tongue not to argue if the subject of politics comes up.


Yes, it would be a deal breaker for me. I try not to even talk to Trumpsters. I like all the signs you had!


Thank you. It was fun thinking up and making the signs.


If it didn't involve more interaction with him, I'd consider suggesting abusing him. Pick a date and make a bet. If Trump isn't 'back in office' by the date, he loses the bet.
Just think of the humiliation of losing again, and to a woman. I'm not sure he'd survive. Ha, ha.πŸ€”

Good pictures BTW...

RichCC Level 8 June 18, 2021

I like this suggestion.


You always have wonderful pictures! Thank you! And if you need some bricks for the trump wall, I have some extras in the back yard...


Thank you so much. You are hilarious!

Wish this website had a love/laugh button.

You remind me of my one sister that still speaks to me. LH, I always enjoy your posts! Thank you for sharing your adventures and your sense of humor. ❀️


What a nice thing to say! We are like-minded, strong women.

Absolutely! And you are awesome! Thank you for being you!



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