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A VFW Auxiliary member with whom I travelled last week posted this meme today. My response: “No, because first we have to admit that non-whites have been treated terribly, and fix the systemic problems that perpetuate that.”

KateOahu 8 June 22

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That might happen when white Americans stop treating other ethnic groups as poorly as we whites tend to do.

Your statement is confusing.

@MsKathleen You are right. I meant to say stop treating." Sorry for the mistake.


It’s basically a lack of empathy in this country. No one asks how a person gets there. People like the “all lives matter” crowd don’t want to listen to how someone who’s not them got to where they are. It’s in everything within our dialogue. Many conservatives think non-whites are content playing the victim card. Many liberals assume non-whites have to go above and beyond to achieve the status quo.

Both are gross broad over generalizations that need to stop. Yes, there is evidence that many non-whites were systemically kept down due to discriminatory practices from education, Real Estate, and the criminal justice system. At the same time, there are non-whites who had exceptional upbringings that may not have suffered as much systemic racism as their counterparts.

It’s all about the experience and listening, but we’re far more interested hearing ourselves to fulfill talking points. Right now, there are far more conservatives pushing back, because they refuse to hear the voices of those suffering that make up BLM. We literally engrained it in our culture that there’s no greater crime than to be wrong.


White people like him never thought about the value of Black Lives until it was in his face. People like him have a pile of unresolved guilt, and admitting that is the first step in recovery.


I agree with you MsKathleen. That guy's sign says (in my opinion) that he wants to just pretend that racism doesn't exist.

You can't simply move past a major social issue by pretending its over with.


This is exactly why Stephen Colbert’s conservative persona always said he didn’t see race. His satire was spot on.


Well, those that have been screwed the most deserve a little extra love don't you think?
I mean I'm from a poor white trash family myself and my children are a cross between trailer trash and euro trash. Medical bills keep me homeless while I hold down a white collar engineering job in California at slightly less than medium engineering salary.
However my family wasn't enslaved, their neighborhood wasn't bombed, and I was welcomed at all the schools I attended. I am part Native American, a fact my father was ashamed of, but I never had to endure forced cultural assimilation where my cultural mythology was replaced with a brutal form of Christianity and my native language was forced to not be spoken and replaced by an alien language as my Native American ancestors did.
The police don't shit themselves when they pull me over, they give me the benefit of the doubt.
I've never had a problem getting a job I was qualified for due to my complexion.
I may be trans, but white trans women aren't killed at nearly the rate black trans women are murdered.
Yet I do know discrimination and awkward social situations, probably better than you do.
Still I'm all for BLM, and full disclosure black people are still treated like shit.
We are only as free as the worst treated member of our country, so right now we aren't that free.
On a final note, please tell your friend to stop trying to turn the progress of the downtrodden races in America into racism, that's racist.

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