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LINK Justice Thomas Suggests Federal Decriminalization of Marijuana


He must have been high. Or left another random nether-region hair on Amy Comey Barrett's Coke. 😜😜😜

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 29

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Prohibition is a complete waste. It only serves to protect the interests of big pharma, who damn well know medical marijuana is far superior to any of the garbage they charge you outrageous prices for.

@SeaGreenEyez I agree that pharmaceuticals are necessary in some cases, as well as surgery. The same treatments don’t work for everyone. But as far as America being like other civilized nations will just not happen. The drug companies simply don’t want anyone to be healthy……..if that was the case they would be out of business. Just look at all the drug advertising you see on TV. only 2 nations in the world allow thisβ€”America and New Zealand. This is a disgrace IMO.


Good move, then vets can get medical marijuana

bobwjr Level 10 June 29, 2021

I've been saying that for years, had my medical card when that was going on. They can suggest it, but not prescribe.

@MerlinZap Unless the feds legalize it

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