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Matching philanthropy?

When you receive a plea for charitable donations with a "If you donate now your money will be matched by --- company" are you more or less likely to donate?
This is a charity I normally donate to and I know that matching is a common practice but it increasingly bothers me.

Donna_I 8 July 2

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I on.y care about how well the charity uses the money it raises to serve genuine human needs. So long as their tactics are honest, I do not care what their tactics are. If their tract


I care more about the effectiveness of the charity, and it intentions, that effect how much and if I give, matching would not have any effect either way.


I don't think threatening to withhold money if I don't donate is a very charitable attitude, attempts to guilt trip me into giving kinda suck.


Yes, a matching pledge does make me more likely to donate. I have conflicting feelings about this, though.

I agree that I will probably donate to the cause again however I feel the 'match request' a blatant tug on the purse strings.

@Donna_I All charitable requests are blatant.

@Lorajay true.

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