How would you end racism in the US?
racism is partly natural and everyone is racist to a degree. it has nothing to do with colour or countries. it's more based on your family unit and genetics. I'm cool with anyone who is cool with me but my house is my territory and only certain people are welcome. watch a strange male lion walk into another's territory or even an ant. a lot of humans especially with stupid beliefs take it to a whole new level.
Have the best education system (countrywide) than any other. That would be a good start. Allow 30 years to propagate. It won't get rid of it, but would definitely help.
I can't imagine a world with out racism. I'm a very liberal person and I try my best to be non-judgemental but there is no doubt about it, I'm a racists and so is everybody reading this. This is in a real sense who we are and we need to recognize it in ourselves to even begin to change it.