Ah true colours always shine through
"On June 17th, the Vatican made an unprecedented intervention attempt, by writing a letter to the Italian government to change a proposed law that would criminalize homophobia due to concerns that it will infringe upon the Catholic church’s freedom of thought. The Vatican’s secretary of relations with states, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, delivered a letter to the government stating that parts of the legislation violates a treaty made in the 1920s that secured the freedoms and rights of the church. The intervention has started a fiery debate surrounding the law, which was designed to prevent violence and hate speech against LGBT people and disabled people. The law has also been challenged by other right-wing parties and Catholic groups as well as feminist groups, which argue that “gender identity,” a term used in the bill, had been “weaponized against women.”
we have a word in english, homogenized, that i suspect is not very hard to connect with the perceived "homosexual" in Scripture, for an analogy; now, why that would be put in code, or why "homosexual" was supposedly used for fodder (it likely wasnt anyway) is a different matter...
@LenHazell53 lol...ok, arsenokoitai i think it is, is xlated into "homosexual" in english, but that is a very bad xlation anyway, as might be demonstrated, but anyway the rape of tamar--who had a "coat of many colors," which is also code--and some other passages, the fact that homosexuality was not listed among the sins of Sodom, make it likely that homogenization is a more likely candidate for the Bible condemnation, which im saying all this strictly for gay ppl who feel condemned by "the Bible," when they are actually condemned by judgmental assholes who don't know how to read it, which was likely the point of coding it that way in the first place? Now the judgemental are outed, and may be more easily avoided, maybe; we even have a term for them, homophobe right
There is the possibility that since by pure chance the Greek arsenokoitai is phonetically similar to arse (Latin for buttocks) and Coitus (Latin for sexual coupling) certain monks put two and two together and made five?
@LenHazell53 ya...i mean something like "hedonist" or even "bed kitten" seems more apt, but then i wouldnt read any bible xlated by a believer anyway, and who after all xlates bibles? Read from the Lex, imo
@LenHazell53 so, near as i can tell anyway, “arsenokoitai” likely meant “bugger of young boys” at the time, although there is apparently a lot of debate