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So, Scammers Think I'm Handsome

I had a reply pop up to something I wrote months ago in the Singles group (a comment on another post), from Cindy38, just saying "Hello handsome". From the photo it was way too good to be true, and sure enough, the same photo originated on an escort service website.

My reply, in its entirety (before reporting and blocking, so she/he/they probably won't see it- shame, really) was-

Wow, did you realize your picture is being used by someone on an escort service website?
Well, this has been fun, let's do it again never.

Long story short- avoid Cindy38. Sorry if naming & shaming is against the site rules, but damn, it seems needed in this case.

Paul4747 8 July 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Hello handsome.

Hey beautiful 😉

We've corresponded enough that I know you're real. And nevertheless too good to be true 🙂

@Paul4747 I am nothing, if not a smartass.

@MsKathleen My kind of lady

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