He is a real ignorant idiot....
The guy's an idiot but I think the fight to save endangered species is an exercise in futility. You can't stop all change.
Matt Powell has less brain power than an inebriated paramecium.
Not wasting brain power on his insanity. I read the first few lines and when I got to the part where the good preacher claimed that creation theory teaches that we are decedents of “African Americans” that’s when I knew I could learn nothing from reading more. He is an idiot!
His imagination is so over-heated it's surprising that his head hasn't exploded!
He’s obviously nuts but extinctions are no longer permanent. Take some blood and we can bring them back🩸
Does that mean we are gods!??? Lol
@HelenRoseBuck Yes it does.
Might be a fight, but it’s a losing battle.
Perhaps I should give him a jelly baby - it might help him to start using his brain.