31 8

Your atheism

A general question and plain noseyness.

What made you become an atheist, agnostic, non-believer or whatever?

NexusOne 3 July 19

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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so, i don't wanna put too fine a point on this since most atheists are in denial on it imo, but a non-believer is surely just a believer in non, and nothing wrong with that imo except that neither one is a genuine agnostic, which actually has nothing to do with whether someone “doesnt know whether there is a god or not,” since that describes everyone, right? No one knows that, i don't think?

so point being that you might seek another definition for “agnostic,” perhaps the site definition, wherein it might be understood that a-gnostic is really “against gnosticism,” and that an agnostic is not even trying to “know” what, essentially, cannot be known.

in reply to your q i followed…more like stumbled i guess, through skado’s path, although i obviously lost some ground somewhere along the line, prolly drugs 🙂

this is a fact free post, and everything i say is a lie 😀

I'm not equating agnostics with atheist. I'm asking as per each individual area.

The difference between an atheist and a believer is that a believer is playing the superstition game where they hope that their behavior and thoughts toward a god influences said god to reward them. God is a grown-up's secret imaginary friend, except they actually believe it exists. Atheists don't have any of that.

@racocn8 so then call it Mother Nature, or even just The Way Things Are, but obviously behaviors have consequences, yes? And “good” behavior gets “rewarded,” more or less, no “god” involved at all, wouldnt you say?

And if a “believer” wants (to remain ignorant) to believe that they might become immortals by abstaining from evil behavior, meh so what; their book does not say that though


Living in reality, as I see and interpret it.


Actually everyone is agnostic Nobody can prove that there is a God No matter how hard I tried to be a believer or atheist I always ended up being an agnostic

Somebody may say to me but who created the universe ? I may say a God did but I can not prove that a God still exist today

Just for a tip, since God is not here then let us be childless and vegan because of overpopulation and pains

jonlll Level 1 July 26, 2021




I heard so many preachers interpreting the Bible in so many conflicting ways that I decided I needed to read it and lean on my own understanding of it. That's all it took.


the backstabbing ppl of faith

not any of the other backstabbing people?

@skado it asked about religious ppl
and they are worse than the normal non religious


I see what you're saying. Thanks.

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