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I am not alone. Others think choice is important re covid vaxs. Good to see the Hippocratic Oath lives one hospital in France at least.

"We are against mandatory vaccination and vaccine coercion,” Elsa Ruillere, local union representative, told Sputnik France. “There is no choice between tests or vaccination: vaccination is compulsory. No, we don't agree. We want to have the choice like the rest of the world and we do not want compulsory vaccination.”

powder 8 July 23

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Choice is important, and it's fine not to get vaccinated against covid, as long as you're willing to stay in your own home away from others. There's nothing new about compulsory vaccinations, and the reason I never got the mumps, or polio, or diphtheria, or whooping cough.

Agree, choice is important as long as one takes responsibility for their choices. But that doesn't seem to be happening among the unvaccinated who seem to be involved in mass gatherings. The Unvaccinated account for largest numbers of infections and deaths. So you roll the dice . . . .


RT. "Nuff said.


Even your questionable source doesn't mention abortion, Comrade.

@powder Different conversation, same subject matter, Einstein, but I can see why you would want to distance yourself from it.

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