Crows are smarter than anti-vaxxers and those who still support Trump:
@Gwendolyn2018 When the leader of the free world can’t read a teleprompter without getting tripped up and wants to tell stories about “Corn Pop”…. Yeah…. That means something.
A liberal would never want to discuss mental capabilities.
I always find it comical that liberals are still super quick to still bash Trump. Even after so long that he has had zero control of the market or government. but I’ve yet to see any compliments or support for the guy in constant battles with the teleprompter that can’t construct a full sentence.
That’s funny.
@Gwendolyn2018 On a tangent, what for you constitutes complicated math?
@Gwendolyn2018 Thanks.
@Gwendolyn2018 educated people should be able to do compacted math. No one gets congratulated for that. They get better jobs because of it; but unless you’re in a math competition, that’s all you get.
@Gwendolyn2018 math has always been my weak point. But I’ve never had to do anything but simple math for work. I know a few folks in Huntsville that work at they space center that just amaze me. We ride bikes together and we’ve sat at the gas station and they’ve broken down fuel molecules per mile.
Some folks just have it in them.
I posit that earth worms are smarter than anti-vaxxers and those who still support trump.
@Gwendolyn2018 I think I read a white paper on that - LOL. Just kidding but it would not surprise me.
@silverotter11 Imagine an anti-vax, Trump-supporting earthworm.
It would probably run Donald a close second for the world's dumbass title!
I love crows, I'm currently on good terms with at least three murders.
I see these clever birds doing brilliant things every day.
When hawks chase them they bring the hawk to me if I'm around, and I do ape things like throw things at the hawk, which inevitably drives the hawk away.
It helps that crows know who their friends are, something Trump supporters don't know.
I have crows in my yard. How do I befriend them, especially with this awful bird disease that's going around the NE US? We have been told to take away our bird feeders, in order to not spread the disease.
@Organist1 You can take plain unsalted peanuts and slowly walk along tossing small amounts as you progress, you don't have to shell them. It may take a few days but they'll figure it out, they may even dive bomb people that behave threateningly toward you. Never threaten them, they never forget, the crows around here even know my car.
If you really want to be their buddy get them some meal worms, but that's a lot of trouble to go to and peanuts seem to work fine.
@Willow_Wisp I always say hello to them, and since I'm a musician, play instruments in my studio with the windows open. That attracts songbirds, but I'm not sure about crows.
@Organist1 Crows are practical souls, food will get their attention, but they probably would appreciate music with their meal, I can't be certain of that, but parrots love music and crows are as smart as parrots.
I actually perfer birds of prey. The crows I had around my house in the woods left when the great horned owl took up residence.