I tend to get super into (some might say obsessed) with various tv shows and movies of all genres. I spend probably too much time on Tumblr lurking in various fandoms. That’s probably extra nerdy, idk.
I cosplay. Went to Anime Weekend Atlanta recently. I’m not too big into anime these days though...
I’m trying to get back into D&D. Just hard to find a DM these days, y’know?
I love movies and TV, live action or animated. I just graduated as a video production student with a focus in animation, if that says anything.
I even used to be president of the “geek club” at that college, ha!
I collect comic books and go to a comic con at least once a year.
I game master RPGs, play video games and would like to cosplay but being 6'8' it would be too expensive so I haven't for now..lol.
Reading, gaming, learning to program, playing board games (D&D and role-playing mainly), Anime, I want to LARP someday, I enjoy a good documentary which I would then do research on to make sure I'm not being fed nonsense, I like watching lessons on Physics...... yea, I'm basically a walking nerd ball but if you looked at me you would never guess it.