Hey Kentucky friends,
How about getting on the horn and blow it, this man needs to do what he has been elected to do, represent the people.
Trump cannot be trusted, why is he being such an idiot?
Does someone pull his purse strings?
He respresents you, make your voice known.
McConnell is proving he's kissing Herr Trump's ass by not letting bi-partisan bill protecting Mueller come to the floor. He needs to go - so vote Pubs OUT.
I think these times could be pretty desperate for the GOP thanks to the man they've circled their wagons around. There's anticipation of a Democrat landslide in the midterms which would wrest control away from the Republicans. It can be said the congress is a "parliament of whores", which would make Mitch chief among them. Similar problems of malfeasance appear regardless who is in office, but time around we've got a blockading game show host at the wheel and he seems to feel that everything hinges on his charm.
Feeling the urge to make some turtle soup for some reason...