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I try to be practical. I also compare prices. Finding myself in need of a new garden rake today I made phone calls. My little town has 2 hardware stores with rakes like I need at about $25 each. Only 6 miles down the road is a Lowe's with good garden rakes at $12. Since nobody is rich in my area I'm wondering if it is about time the local stores here changed suppliers. Would they make more sales or do they not care?

One man I called went away from his desk to verify if he had the rake and came back without looking at it's price. What a salesman!

DenoPenno 9 Aug 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Went to Lowe's after work and bought that good garden rake for $13 and that included tax. Why would I pay double in my community and Lowe's is 6 miles away?

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