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Some, at least, are rubbing their hands with glee in these times

"He said looking beyond 2022, Novavax's product looks well positioned to "become the universal booster of choice and the preferred vaccine for annual re-vaccination".
Novavax's share price is up 41 per cent over the past 12 months .........."


powder 8 Aug 6

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This is Big Pharma and the share price tells the story in my opinion. I had Covid and recovered. I am also vaccinated with Moderna and have the CDC card saying so. I doubt that I will go any farther.


That's no doubt Big Pharma is making huge money off these vaccines. Sobering thought that Jonah Salk donated the vaccine he discovered to the world.

@powder Yep. Corporate welfare. This vaccine is effective though. If these morons would just take the fucking shot.

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