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So, I'm mucking around with FB's dating section, comparing it with this one. They have a swipe left/right type system (which I did not realize until day 2, when I had dozens of messages...well holy shit, yeah, that's what happens when you think you're just paging through profiles but you've actually just "swiped right" on maybe 100-125 people. JFC. ).

Anyway, this dude likes my profile, makes a comment, so I look at his. Damn, looks so familiar! Can't quite place it...he has a pic of himself mugging next to a drawing of Ned Flanders, but looks a lot like Andy from The Office. But his main profile pic just looks like a nice guy, not as familiar. One of those faces.

So I swipe right. Guy has a sense of humor, decent profile, sure, what's up, right?

Okay, so here's where I hate being an actual blonde-dark, but still- because I was the stereotype today.

I make some comment about his profile to see if he can hold a conversation. Well, yes, sort of. He proceeds to tell me he's Ed Helms. The Office guy. Ned's voice. The Hangover, et al. JFC #2. Seriously. I didn't pick up on any of that, even after reading the profile and seeing the photos. Major forehead slap moment.

Anyway, I'm 100% sure it's not actually him, which makes me's one thing to have a fake persona (I clearly don't understand the game, what's the ROI?), but to adopt a famous person's one, and on FACEBOOK? For reals, man. It's a scary-ass dating world out there.

(And reminder: FB uses the swipe system 😉)

NYTrink 6 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Was not Ed Helms one of Nixons henchmen.


this reminds me i need to refill my grecian formula jug.


Facebook has a dating section?

I know, it must be super new, because I didn't know that, either. I just got a pop up that asked if I wanted to check it out, so I gave it a whirl. I was surprised how many folks are on there. It's free, so there's that 😁

@NYTrink I just can't be bothered at this point in my life. I'm so pathetic.

YES FB has dating! I met my girlfriend on it last fall.

I know some people who have had good results, including my bff who has been seeing someone she met there for several months now.

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