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Question for anyone who has retired in the last 5 years. How has your planned retirement compared to your actual retirement? Financially, physically, emotionally, health wise?

Perspective is always helpful. Btw i retired one year ago at 64.

Bigwavedave 8 Aug 8

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The cost of everything has exceeded my expectations, especially supplemental healthcare insurance.


Plan carefully, part time work can be beneficial, make sure your house is paid for. Don't use USAA Medicare supplemental insurance it's age based and raises more than others as you age, it's age based not community based

@bobwjr. I do own my house. Finances are excellant. I started exercising , walking 90 minutes a day and three hours of pickleball a day. I shredded my achilles tendon. Now I cannot walk more than. A mile away. That's been disappointing.

And covid is killing me in travel.

Investigating a procedure athlete's use to get back my heel functionality.

@Bigwavedave Excellent be careful buddy


Following - thinking about when I might want to retire. Haven't looked into what my income would be, but I currently live pretty cheaply, so I imagine I'll make plenty in retirement to enjoy my life similarly to how I do now, but with more time to goof off, rather than work.

@ julie808 nail down your income and expenses well before retirement.... if you care for any advice...


I didn't plan for retirement. I just opened a couple of pension accounts when I was young. And then there was Social Security. So I got to age 65 and started cashing in. End of story.


Retired, I feel healthy and happy. No physical complaints at age 67.

Hiking, weightlifting, running, and volunteering keeps me strong and happy. Talking and laughing with friends gives me joy.

Also enjoy reading and doing jigsaw puzzles.

@literatehiker. In all your hiking have you ever damaged your achilles tendon? It has been ten weeks and I have not recovered functionality.


No. Sorry you hurt your Achilles tendon.

For 40 years, I have stretched my Achilles tendons, calves and quadriceps daily. After exercise and in the shower.

The only issue I get is shin splints from hustling steeply downhill with a heavy pack. And running.

@LiterateHiker ok thank you


I was terminated in 2009, and I still LOVE it that way. 🙂 😮 😛

@fearlessfly. OK great, how do you get by?

@Bigwavedave Work ? What's that ? 😮 😛 🙂

In my 20s I decided that I would NOT live paycheck-to-paycheck. 🙂


I'd have run out of my cash money but had the exceptional luck to find a fine lady who helps with the mortgage. Then I got an unexpected inheritance. That combined with refinance has given me a few more years in the house.

My doctor diagnosed me with degenerative arthritis and that has severely impaired my mobility. I really didn't expect that. However, if I can lose the pounds put on during isolation, and if my anti-inflammatory lotion keeps working as well as it seem to, it may get better. My lady helps with my emotional state somewhat, but creates other issues.


At this point I am not looking forward to retiring, I actually love what I do and would like to keep doing it. I would do it out of my garage if I had to. Since I did not make a lot of money I do not get much in Social Security, fortunately Kate gets a little and we rent out the upper two stories of our house. I am doing better than most in this area.

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