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LINK Vaccine paranoia: Why right-wingers are worried about their "precious bodily fluids" |

Speaking of supernatural thinking based delusions...

What we call 'conservatives' have been trying to live paranoid fantasy stories pretty much since the start of recorded history -- certainly since the start of Christianity -- reference the Book Of Revelation and the mark of the beast.

The details change. They didn't have magic tracking-microchips to inject via vaccines in Old/New Testament times but the outlines and principles are still very much the same.

RichCC 8 Aug 9

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Crazy ass fucks. The government doesn't need to install microchips in the poor dregs of society (even if SCIENCE could build a small enough micro chip). Most people have cell phones and are attached to social media with an umbilical like cord.

My cats have an IQ at least double that of these guys! 🙀😹

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