The short video has been nominated for a 2018 Webby Award in the Film & Video: Animation category. A Webby Award is an award for excellence on the Internet presented annually by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a judging body composed of over two thousands industry experts and technology innovators.
A beautiful warning, but one that comes from a position of privilege. Even in this country there are millions who struggle to survive at all and would love a chance for the security of the rat race.
Unfortunately true.
I just love this
The environment is the environment, the physical laws that control the planet, are just that "Mother Nature" has survived the last five great extinctions and it will survive the sixth! You talk of the Environment in terms of homosapiens destroying it (which I wish it wouldn't) but we are just a spec in the lifeline of Mother Nature which on this Planet has been doing its thing for 4,600 MILLION years!
Some fart arse species that lived for a couple of hundred thousand years (1/5th of a million, of those 4,600 million years, so far!) isn't going to bother your lovely Mother Nature even if we nuke the whole planet (what's the half life of plutonium radiation?). You need to get your timescales and species in perspective if you are going to project on to "Mother Nature". IMHO
I like it a lot. Great insights . Happyness comes from inside your self.
The music makes 'me' happy. Instead of the 'rat race' we should call it the 'human race'. In our latest local paper was a headline article about a virus, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, that is spreading across Canada's Vancouver Island and making it's way to the San Juan Islands. It will cause a massive die-off to the huge mass of European rabbits on all islands including Lopez. It is Mother Nature's way of dealing with an overpopulated species. We may think we are smarter than nature but we are reaping what we are now getting.
Everyone should see this to get an idea what's behind the chaos that is going on in the world today. There IS a common cause.
As we are on a site called; it seems fair to ask you "what is this Mother Nature that you talk of?"
It sounds really nice and cosy and all sort of natural and a tad spiritual!
We are talking about the fore that sends worms into the eyes of children to make them blind, aren't we. That force that send hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes to kill plants and animals. The failed crops, the starvation, the irrigating rivers that run dry or that flood and destroy.
I like my Mum, but Mother Nature? Do you think it's some cognitive awareness that chooses where it lays its destruction or nurturing of life?
Dieting rabbits is not Mother Natures way of doing anything! It's a dead f'ing rabbit and it dies for a reason that can be scientifically explained!
Rant over. ?
@GilesD Mother Nature is the LIFE (writ large) that all life needs to survive. Mother nature doesn't give a damn about any one species and especially one that continues to break her laws.
Yes this is an agnostic (atheist) site but in my original postings months ago I talked a lot about how the religious and Atheists are alike in their worship of Homo Sapiens. We are living in the Anthropocene known as the time of the Sixth Great Extinction. Most of this is anthropogenic. Arrogance, hubris and a sense of superiority is what describes many of us. It is not spiritual but reality and one we will lose if we don't wake up.
To me some members sound very conservative and don't think the environment is important. They are wrong as can be and most here recognize that!
It reminds me of thefilm qoani swatski in the early eighties
yep, love the clip, watched it before, & it just confirms what i'm saying all along: less is more.
Just give me a condo where I can hear the waves hit the rocks and the rest is easy. Oh, and a place for my dogs to poop.
Very good. However, I'd argue that to seek happiness is somewhat over playing your hand. It's a bit too needy, self centred and far too much pressure!
Go for contentment I say, and if that doesn't work then fall back on contemptment! Lol
But seriously; Contentment is bliss. Xx