Before I marry again I'll find a stranger that I can't stand and just give them 50% of my net worth.
I would do it for free
@bobwjr Oh no! You wouldn't.
@bobwjr, @Blues-Man For some of us people that love us are rare and far and few between, one wonders if it's part of the mythology, I'm sure that's it. Like free will, salvation, and enlightenment. It's an act of compassion to comfort the young that face this world with that crap, but for adults to believe it is pure naivety. I've had to walk away from too many families, and leave too many homes to believe that humans love one another. And for some of us finding someone that matches mentally makes everything harder because it's well established that I don't think normal.
@Willow_Wisp I know and also know that I wouldn't be selected even if proverbial Hell froze over