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To all those democrat supporters whom everytime there is criticism of Biden/ Harris/ Democrats they scream trump lover or Russian troll.
Is the the sun shinning out of Biden's arse a bit dimmer now after the debacle of Afghanistan or are you still being blinded by it? Is it OK to citicise him now?

powder 8 Aug 16

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I began criticizing Biden as soon as I knew the fix was in with the Dem leaders for him to get the nomination instead of Bernie, so, yes, I was never waiting on this mess to begin criticizing him, esp. with all the campaign promises he has already dropped without even trying to get them passed in congress. Plus, he has had more than enough urging from his supporters to fire DeJoy and save the Postal Service, but he has let that slide too, showing how much of a corporate sellout he is on that crucial issue too.

@powder I am. Most people do not have the moral courage to continue to support someone like Bernie, for example, on principle, after they lose a primary race. They just switch to backing the winner, whoever it is, because they care more about supporting the winner on their side, regardless of how corrupt or bad a choice they might be. They keep settling for less and they keep getting worse and worse leaders for their side. And that gets easier and easier to do when you have no real firm principles, and instead have only a principle of Blue No Matter who....


Goerge Bush, Rumsfeld, Chency, and Trump bear primary responsibility for what occurred.

@powder You ignore basic facts:

  1. No ext3rnal force has ever imposed their vision of order on Afghanistan> Alwxander the Great, the British Empire, the R ussians all failed before we did.

2, NO geograpical area in twhich the society, economy, and social structure is composed of disparate tribes and governed by tribal warlords, has or will be successful in establishing a nation state. The landscapoe of Africa, the MIddle East, and parts of Asia is littered with failed nation states which had such a social and economic structure.

  1. Given those facts, our mission when we went into Afgrahistan, should have been only to eliminiate the Al Quaeda bases, and destroy the Taliban for supporting and enabling Al=Quaeda. To npo that we needed to (1) snd in overshelming forces, and destroy the Taliban was a fighting force, (2) seal off the border with Pakistan to prevent the Taliban from escaping, and (3) get the hell out. Bush, Rumsfeld, and Chency made horrible decisisions in relatyion to Afghanistan.

  2. Itr was Donald Trump who negotiated our withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Taliban ONL:The Afghanistan government was not even consulted. He aslso got the Taliban leader out of Pakistan jails. It was Trump who created the conditions for the collapse.

@powder His statement was absolutelyu correct. Our purpose should haver have been nation-builing in that ungovernable tribal country.

I love how Republicans can fuck something sideways for 20 years and then be like, "It's all the Dems fault!!"

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