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If you refuse the vaccine because it is not FDA approved and you get covid, DeSantis wants you to take regeneron which is also not FDA approved.

"DeSantis says Regeneron COVID treatment is free for Floridians, state continues to add sites" []desantis-says-regeneron-covid-treatment-is-free-floridians-state-continues-add-sites/

Lorajay 9 Aug 18

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Must have shares in the company

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 19, 2021

He doesn't have shares but one of his biggest donors owns a third of it.

@Lorajay I am SHOCKED, SHOCKED I tell you!!!!!
Who would have thought such a thing!!!!!


It's a sad day when political affiliation overrides public health.


The owner of the company which makes regeneron has poured huge sums into DeSantyis's political coffers.
Thast is sher corruption.


Crazy! Sure gotta wonder if some of these politicians have stock in the companies behind the treatments. Not saying it's not helpful for when someone does contract covid, but prevention should surely be first option. Umm... Coronavirus isn't FDA approved either, but they're willing to catch a little of that to give themselves some measure of temporary immunity.

He doesn't own any of the company but his biggest donor owns one third of it.

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