During the Pacific Northwest's extended heat wave, many plants died or got burned. "My tomatoes are not good this year," Billie said. "The plants got stressed from the high heat."
"Cantaloupes are the only vegetable in my garden that thrive in the heat," Kathy said. "My string beans got burned. I harvested a few beans on the north and east side of the bush."
I pampered my flowerpots on a hot, south-facing deck. Stretched a shade- white flannel sheet- over the pots. In the evening, placed ice cubes on the topsoil to slowly trickle down. Watered twice a day.
Alas, the geraniums stopped blooming. Threw caution to the wind once it cooled down to a hundred degrees. Once a week, I fertilized the pots with half-strength Miracle Grow. Continued afternoon shade.
I must have been channeling my grandmother. "I tell plants, 'If you don't bloom, it's out the alley you go!'" she said. "The flowers bloomed. They must have heard me."
TA DA! This makes me happy. Love red flowers.
Water ya think about ozone, petrichor, geraniums and pelagoniums.
I have a Philos that is still alive ... In spite of me for 6 years