It is said that opposites attract, yet when I look in retrospect at the reasons my relationships ended, I see that it was usually due to our irreconcilable differences.
Name 3 things you prefer to have in common with a mate.
I think the opposites that attract are things like introvert/ extrovert. Not core values that are demonstrated through (and these are my 3) religion, politics, and optimism. And by religion in my case, I mean non religious but not hateful to individuals who identify with religion. Hate the structure and effects of religion, but many religious people I know are much kinder than their belief in a bible would indicate.
World view on politics, religion, etc.
Curiosity about life, desire to continue learning and growing.
Someone who has a kind heart.
A sense of humor and a common point of reference, i.e. you had better known who James Dean was and why he could be important.
The ability to have an intelligent conversation, the ability to be intimate and the ability to think beyond your own circle of friends and family.
Same sexual tastes, same taste in music, same taste in movies. I'll add a fourth, because I love in Freedom of Speech: Not a junkie.
Same banking institution, same underwear size, same taste in women.
3 things...